Bringing Service Back to Legal Services

What Makes Personal Touch Bankruptcy Different?

What makes Personal Touch Bankruptcy DifferentService First:

When you hire Personal Touch Bankruptcy, you work with an attorney, not an assistant or paralegal.

Our Goal: To make you feel like you are our only client (even though you are not).

  1. Listen: Best customer service starts from the beginning, at your initial consultation, we listen to your story so we can understand you and your situation. Attorneys love to talk, but we have learned over the years that to give you good advice and counsel, we must first listen and understand your real need.
  1. Care: You cannot be successful at bankruptcy work unless you care about your clients. Our clients are suffering and going through a difficult time, we are here to help them through it. Despite the struggles and uncertainty, we know that when we are done, our clients will be in a better place.
  1. Responsive: You will have direct email access to your attorney. If you need to speak with your attorney, you simply call the office and a phone appointment is scheduled. We provide a guide and periodic updates so you always know the status of your case and the next step.
  1. Courteous: We do not tolerate rudeness. The last thing someone needs when facing bankruptcy is a rude attorney (and they are out there). Courteousness at Personal Touch Bankruptcy starts with positivity, we focus on what can be done.
  1. Patient: We are here to help you, but you do have some work to do to help us help you. We understand that you probably have not filed bankruptcy before and are uncertain about the process or what is involved, no problem. We will take the time to guide you through the process.
  1. Solution Mindset: We are attorneys, so our job is to find solutions to problems. Once we have listened to your story or problem, our job is not to commiserate with you, but to find a way for you to move forward.

Modern Practice and Convenience 

Our practical convenience approach is designed to make your case easy and accessible. 

  1. Predictable Access: You have access to your attorney by email and by phone appointment. We use phone appointments to bring predictability to communication. This means that communication takes place at our mutual convenience so that we are both ready for the call and time is set aside just to speak with you.
  1. Online Documents: We use a secure online service that you can access 24 hours/7 days a week so that attorney and client can share documents. Don’t worry, you can still mail us documents if that works better for you.
  1. Virtual Work Spaces: Matt Berkus (the owner of PTB) was an early pioneer of virtual legal practice, (that is, legal practice without a physical location). After much trial and error, we feel we have struck the ideal balance so we get our work done while providing clients convenient access and quality results. We hate driving around town, traffic, etc., we don’t force our clients to do that.
The other benefit of virtual work spaces is that we can use and hire the best available talent, not just the talent located near a brick and mortar office.
  1. In Person, if or when we need to meet in person, our office is centrally located in Cherry Creek Business District.

Process Approach to Bankruptcy

Do you ever get the feeling when working with professionals that make you feel like they are just winging it? Then you work with a professional that brings predictability and process to their service, the difference is night and day. We use a process approach to handling your case. When you hire Personal Touch Bankruptcy, you will receive your Bankruptcy Map, which outlines each step in your case. In a broad sense, bankruptcy has 4 phases.

Phase 1:       Information gathering. To prepare and analyze a client’s bankruptcy, we need information from our clients.

Phase 2:       Case Preparation. Once we have the information from our client, we schedule your case preparation meeting and begin preparing your case.

Phase 3:       Case Finalization. Once the case is fully prepared and ready, we meet with our clients to go over the final draft documents.

Phase 4:       Bankruptcy. We file the client’s bankruptcy and go through the bankruptcy case process. Of course there are many steps between each phase, those steps are in your Bankruptcy Map and we strive to keep you informed so you never feel lost.

Why Hire Personal Touch Bankruptcy?

When you hire Personal Touch Bankruptcy, you hire a firm that puts service first, that has created a cutting edge modern practice that is easy and convenient for clients, and that uses a predictable process approach to handling your case. In short, we want you to feel like you are our only client even though you are not.

Let’s get you to a better place. It starts with a quick, no-obligation conversation. Call 720-545-0339 or contact us online.

    We’ll respond within one business day to schedule our free chat.
